Telekom cable over our land

vor 4 Jahren

We bought a land in Potsdam 14476 with old Bungalow, and we have a cable from Telekom over our land. At the beginning I though this is belong to us. It appeared later, after I demounted the bongalow, it is our neighbour connection. The cable done in very complex way through different pillars and the technician from telekom said he doesn't understand why it is done like this in the past. 

Now I want to build my house and I have problem with this cable which can be very risky for us during the construction time or later one when we live there, it can fail at any moment and cause big damage. 

I asked Telekom to demounted and remove it, the answer was it will cost 1000 Euro, in the same time I need a new cable for our new house which will also cost 800 euro.


Long story short: Telekom put a cable over our land, it is used for out neighbour connection and we have to pay money to remove it ?????

The cable can fail at any point of time, many branches from trees hang over it and it can be costly for telecom if it fails over someone !!!

I have all picture all documentation I can share it with telekom support.


Looking forward fair proposal.








  • vor 4 Jahren

    @Joesef: Welcome to the Community! So that the Telekom- Teamies can help you, please fill out this form:



    Enter your contact details, to which only the Telekom Teamies have access.


    Best regards




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren


    thank you for the call.
    Here: is the online form, where you can upload the document from the first technician.
    After I receive that document, I will get in contact with the technical department, and will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards
    Nico B.




    vor 4 Jahren


    just so you know I already made an inquiry about the issue, but I haven't heard back from the technical department yet.
    I will give you notice asap.

    Kind regards Nico B.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren


    I got an answer from my colleagues.
    The tree which hinders the line, would have to be removed from the owner of the tree itself. In this case the owner of this exact tree is either the town / city / village itself or the owner of that property.
    We can also just move the line itself, but this wouldn't be for free, as you experienced before.

    So either the tree gets removed, so that the line isn't impacted by it anymore, or we move the line, which will definitely cost you money.
    Regarding your own connection, you would have to call the "Bauherrenservice", because those are two different topics.

    Kind regards Nico B.




    vor 4 Jahren


    I can understand, that you are disappointed, but I can't really help you anymore regarding this issue.
    If you opt to remove the tree, we would obviously be there as well, to detach the line, while the tree is being removed.
    You are in charge of making sure the tree isn't hindering anything, but you can consult your lawyer if you want to.

    Kind regards Nico B.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

