Conditions of participation

Telekom hilft Labor

In the Telekom Helps Lab, we carry out many exciting tests with you. To ensure that participation in a test is clearly regulated for all parties, we have made our terms and conditions of participation available to you here.

With a test in the Telekom helps laboratory, Deutsche Telekom AG (hereinafter referred to as "Telekom") provides the participant (hereinafter referred to as "participant") with beta versions of a software or a terminal device for testing purposes, hereinafter referred to as "test object".

These test objects have not yet been placed on the market. Nor have they been definitively tested with regard to their interaction with other software.

The Telekom Helps team selects participants from among those interested. The selection criteria are based on the test object and the information provided by the interested party, such as connection type, contract type, existing hardware, existing software, etc. There is no entitlement to participate in individual tests or to the provision of test objects.

The test object remains the property of Deutsche Telekom AG and must be treated confidentially by the participant to protect Deutsche Telekom AG. The participant undertakes to use the test object only for testing purposes.

All information provided in connection with a test in the Telekom helps laboratory, especially information about test objects, must be treated as strictly confidential and may not be passed on to third parties. The participant undertakes not to pass on, publish or otherwise distribute confidential information.

The Telekom Helps team has the right to terminate tests in whole or in part for all or individual participants without giving reasons and without notice or notice. Each participant can also terminate at any time. The termination and its consequences do not give the participant any claims against Deutsche Telekom AG.

In the case of the provision of hardware, the following additional conditions apply:

As part of a test in the Telekom helps laboratory, Deutsche Telekom AG (hereinafter referred to as "Telekom") provides the participant (hereinafter referred to as "participant") with beta versions of a terminal device for testing purposes, hereinafter referred to as "test object".

The test object has not yet been placed on the market. Above all, it has not yet been definitively tested with regard to its interaction with other components.

The test object is provided free of charge for both parties. The test object remains the property of Telekom and must be treated confidentially by the participant. The participant undertakes in particular to use the test object only for testing purposes, not to distribute any publication about the test object and not to make the test object accessible to third parties. After the test has been completed, the test object must be returned to Telekom.

In individual cases, it may happen that the test objects still contain information from our cooperation partners or suppliers (“not typical Telekom branding”). In this case too, the participant undertakes not to make this information available to third parties. The liability regulations mentioned at the end are also relevant in this case.

If video/photo recordings are taken and stored as part of the use of the test object, these may not be published elsewhere (e.g. in forums, chat rooms, Facebook, etc.) or made available offline. All video and photo recordings will only be used by the participant within the closed Telekom-Hilft-Labor online community.

The participant undertakes to back up his data in an appropriate form before installation and each use of the test object.

Telekom’s liability is limited to intent and gross negligence.

The above liability regulation applies to both contractual and non-contractual claims. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

We will delete the applicant data that you send us via the contact form 14 days after the selection process. The data of the accepted testers will be deleted 4 weeks after the end of the test.

As of March 28, 2023