Telekom hilft Labor
Here we test preliminary versions of new devices, firmware releases, apps and services together.
For this purpose, we provide public and closed tests and surveys.
Do you want to be among the first to receive software updates for current products?
Then join oursMAGENTA Testcommunity!
Show only available places
Home Experience 2
Completed Test
FUT Next Generation Gateway II
Beta-Phase MagentaTV Stick (2. Gen.)
MagentaTV Bob
Evolution MagentaTV One & Stick
Evolution Speedport Smart 4
Friendly User Test Speed Home WLAN
Completed Test
Evolution Speed Home WLAN
MagentaTV mit Hybrid
Labor helps via Telekom
In the Telekom Helps Lab, we work with you to test pre-release versions of new devices, firmware releases, and apps & services on “chips & bits.” Everyone is welcome to take part in public tests and surveys. And we offer tests in closed user groups that you can apply for. Would you like to get involved in the lab? As soon as we are looking for participants for a test, we will announce it on our Lab Pinboard. We will also inform you there how you can apply and what the requirements are for each test. You can find our Terms and Conditions here.
The team behind Telekom hilft Labor
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Labor Pinnwand
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Labor Newsletter
Sie möchten gleich informiert sein, wenn Tester*innen gesucht werden? Tragen Sie sich gleich für unseren Labor Newsletter ein!