Cancellation of my contract before starting it

vor 2 Jahren



I requested a telekom contract long time ago (last year) through a seller in my apartment. The contract was due to start from 4th of September. However, for some reasons, I need to cancel the contract and use my right to revoke the contract. Is it possible and if it is possible then could someone please tell me the process to do it?





  • vor 2 Jahren

    Ali Khalid

    The contract was due to start from 4th of September.

    The contract was due to start from 4th of September.
    Ali Khalid
    The contract was due to start from 4th of September.

    Hi Ali,


    You should be able to find all relevant information in the documents that you have received along the ordering process.


    When you closed everything a year ago already, stepping back will be difficult. Normally, the revocation period is 2 weeks (and therefore long over).


    Best wishes,





    vor 2 Jahren

    @Ali Khalid


    Thank you for your contribution to our community. 


    You have 14 days after receiving the order confirmation to cancel the booked contract. We can look at when you received this and whether a right of withdrawal is possible. 


    Please enter your data in your profile and let me know when I can reach you by phone.


    Best regards 
    Timur K. 



    vor 2 Jahren



    I have added my details in my profile. You can reach me today at my mobile phone if that is possible for you. I am available for the rest of the day 







    vor 2 Jahren

    Hey @Ali Khalid,


    thanks a lot for the very nice conversation.

    As promised I cancelled your router, so you will receive a separated confirmation and the retoure label via e-mail.

    The cancellation of the contract itself takes a moment longer, so please be patient until you receive that confirmation as well. Fröhlich


    Best regards,

    Louisa G.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Hi Thomas, 


    Thanks for your response


    I was told by the seller at that time that I can cancel the contract within two weeks after it is effectively started (i.e. today on 4th of September 2023) if something does not work out. 


    The revocation period would start once the contract is started right? Correct me if I am wrong





Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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