
Moving houses with existing contract

vor 3 Jahren

Hello there, 

I would like to have some assistance here. I will be moving houses in July and I would like to move my internet and phone over. Since internet is essential for my work it is very important for me to make this as smooth as possible. I cant stay weeks whithout connection. 

I can provide all the necessary information in private for telekom employees. 

Thanks again 

Best Regards, 
Brigitta Unyi 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    Hey @unyibrigitta,

    Thank you for the nice phone conversation. Fröhlich I moved your internet to the new address, and it will be active in the first of July. If you need help, contact us here again.

    Greetings Khaled A.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

