Phone bill

vor 4 Jahren



I have been trying to reach the English hotline number (‭0800 3301080‬) for some reason each time I call the line always seems to be busy. I have been calling since yesterday. I have some questions regarding paying my phone bill in advance. 

Any advice would be helpful, 


Thank you!



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Jbck95

    I'm here to help you. You are talking about your mobile contract, right? - I could see a lot of calls abroad. You can see that on your bill "Verbiundungspreise Telefonie" and I also saw a lot of extra Data USA. That's the reason why the current bill is way higher than your normal bills.
    You can see your bills online via App or in your customer center (Kundencenter).

    Karsten L.


Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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