Expenses, prepaid plan

vor einem Jahr

Hello. I recently topped up my balance with 15 euro.
But now it shows available credit of 1.18 euro.
Where can I see detailed information about my expenses for the last month?
Note: I tried to find the info in my account on the website, but it says:
"Prepaid-Kund*innen erhalten keine Rechnung, da alle Zahlungen / Buchungen direkt aus dem Guthaben verglichen werden."
don't see any other info there.
Thank you.



  • vor einem Jahr

    I don't have prepaid myself, but can't you get some information from https://pass.tekom.de ?


    This page is only available from the SIM in question, via the mobile network, i.e

    not via Wi-Fi.




    vor einem Jahr

    https://pass.tekom.de does not show my expenses. It just shows how many GB I have and available options to purchase more internet data.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    Hey there @speedospin,


    thanks for your details due to your issue.

    Which prepaid plan do you use?

    When you top up your prepaid plan, there will be used the amount for your plan. e.g. MagentaMobil Prepaid L for 14,95 Euro incl. taxes.


    Friendly regards


    Sarah D.




    vor einem Jahr

    Thank you for your reply, @speedospin.


    Okay, of the 15 euros, 4.95 euros will then be debited every 28 days for the option.

    Have you also called special numbers or paid numbers abroad?

    Or sent paid SMS?

    If so, then of course this also depends on the credit. Did this happen by chance?


    Kind regards

    Carolin L. 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    @Carolin L. Yes, I did call abroad. Still, where can I find my expenses (calls and data), is there any way?




    vor einem Jahr

    @speedospin thanks for the detail. Your call abroad my have provoked the expenses. There is a chance to get an overview due to your expenses. When are you reachable by phone?


    Best regards


    Sarah D.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    @Sarah D. I'm not in Germany atm, so maybe it's not a good idea to discuss it by phone.

    What I'm looking for is just simple statistics/report/statement for the last month, or maybe invoice with details about what I paid for.

    I imagine it should be available in my account, but I don't see any related info, it says only "Prepaid-Kund*innen erhalten keine Rechnung, da alle Zahlungen / Buchungen direkt aus dem Guthaben verglichen werden."

    Can you please point me where and how to get this info or should I be available by phone ?




    vor einem Jahr

    We need to do a telephone verification once, @speedospin.


    Then I can issue you a one-time itemized bill and send it to you. There is no monthly statement available for prepaid customers. You can also provide me with a phone number abroad in the contact details. I can call you there as well.


    Kind regards.

    Carolin L. 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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