Glasfaser internet is so slow after connection

vor einem Jahr

The WiFi of the glass faster is so slow,  slower than the normal internet I had before. Basically YouTube and Netflix on my TV just keeps playing and booting, I wasn't expecting that. Same thing with online videos on my computer.


I restarted my speed port (speed port smart 4) but the internet is still slow. What could be the problem?


Here below is  attached a picture of the speed port.ip/html/login/status


Please I need help else the upgrade to glasfaser was not worth it.


Best regards


Yvette K




  • vor einem Jahr

    @Yvettek I am trying to figure out what WiFi could have to do with a fibre connection? This is wireless local network only.

    Or do you use this term as synonyme for 'internet' connection '?


    What router did you have before. And which model are you using now?

    What contract? Which client HW?


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    Yes, am referring to the internet, it's slow on my devices.


    I had Fritzbox before with O2, but that router had no fiber optics, so I now subscribe at Telekom for Magenta zuhause XXL


    The technician was here 2days ago to do the connection and today my speedport smart 4 router arrived, I did everything as instructed with Modem 2. 


    But the internet is slow, from the statistics everything looks fine but I don't know what is causing it to be slow


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    @Yvettek Which Fritzbox did you have before?

    It could well bei, that it us also compatible.

    You could swap boxes just for test purposes.




    vor einem Jahr



    Thank you for your contribution to our community 🙏🏽


    There is no fluctuating bandwidth with fiber optic connections because it is a constant signal. Does the problem occur with multiple devices? 🤔 Otherwise, can you connect a device via LAN cable and then carry out a speed test? 


    Otherwise, please reset the Speedport Smart 4 to the factory settings. 


    Best regards
    Timur K. 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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