I can not reach 250Mbs

vor 2 Jahren

Good morning 

i upgraded my internet from 100 to 250 . I bought a new router , fritzbox  7530  but in the speed tests i run i can not go over 90MBs. In matter of fact when i had the 100Mbs line i could go to 100Mbs. Please advice



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Hello @tristan_dragonheart 


    Please give us more information. how did you measure By which.? 


    • Perhaps the PC has a network card with only 100MBiT? 
    • Is there a switch (Ethernet) in between that can only do up to 100? 
    • Are there network sockets? Are all 8 wires connected there? If a wire is broken, you only have 100.For Ethernet (100) 4 wires are enough.Gigabit, all 8 wires are required. 
    • How does the Fritzbox synchronize? It's on the overview page when you log in. Attached to ... 
    • Can you measure with the smartphone with 5GHz in the WLAN, next to the Fritzbox? Do you have over 100? 
    • Please answer all questions accurately. It sounds like you have an ethernet connection on the internal network.





    vor 2 Jahren

    Hello @tristan_dragonheart 



    The Fritzbox is suitable for SVDSL 250Mbit/s. However, the problem lies elsewhere. Was the speed measured via WLAN or via LAN cable?
    A test via cable is always preferable. The transmission speed should also be set to 1 Gbit/s in the FB 7530 router and on the PC/notebook.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

