
Ready-to-Surf oder Wait-to-Surf?

vor 2 Jahren

Guten Tag Community,


Ich habe schon mein Leitungs-ID am Freitag (05.05.23) mitgeteilt, und habe eine Bestätigung von Ihr/Ihre Mitarneiter/-in bekommen, dass es richtig eingerichtet wird (am 08.05.23). Er/Sie hat mir auch erzählt, dass ich nicht auf Techniker warten muss(Termin am 11.05.23).


Aber, er/sie kann nicht den Bereitstellungstermin vorne verschieben. Warum heißt diese möglichkeit Ready-to-Surf dann?


Greetings ladies and gentlemen,


Even after providing Leitungs ID and doing everythign correctly, if I have to wait for the pre-agreed date for activating the internet, why is this service named as Ready-to-Surf? I would rather name it Share & Wait-to-Surf.


Sorry for the rant, but I feel that I was misled with that name into selecting the product. As a previous Vodafone Kabel customer, this is extremely disappointing to be honest. Peace!




  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 2 Jahren

    Hi Louisa, thanks for the reply. Just for clarification, this has nothing to do with the changeover between Vodafone and Telekom. I have terminated Vodafone separately, well before time at my old apartment. And I have registered with Telekom as a new customer, at my new apartment. But I understand that I have to wait, and I am okay with that - as I would have to do with any competitor service provider.


    Also, I am grateful to people who commented previously, who helped me understand why this wait is necessary, as a technician is still required for setting up the connection (somewhere outside the building, in a junction box or so). My gripe was with the marketing term which is slightly misleading, as one can assume that the entire process of activation is automated after sharing the Leitungs ID.


    In addition to what I mentioned above - while applying I let the Telekom website decide for me what the nearest possible activation date is, which was about 7-8 days afterwards if I complete the application on the same date. I confirmed, only to receive a mail later that the application is successful, but the activation date is ~3 weeks later now(which is same as shown by other service providers).


    Just wanted to leave my experience here, so that if someone new customer wants to check what the marketing jargon Ready-to-Surf actually is.


    Thanks again!


    PS: One huge plus which I found with Telekom, compared to the other service provider - the Customer Care and the possibility to reach the Customer Care through ways other than calls. As a person who has anxiety talking over phone, it was pretty straightforward to contact you by other means. Really appreciate this!


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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