
Speedport w724v external access to hard disk

vor 6 Jahren

Hi I need a bit of help with external access but first some info about what have I achieved so that you know I am not a total noob!

I have sucessfully set up internet access to my Domoticz/Raspberry home control system and can interact with it using NO-IP ddns.

My 3 security cameras send alert emails through the Speedport w724v when they are triggered.

I have a hard disk attached to the Speedport w724v and all the computers on my network can upload/download as GUEST.

I want to provide external access to the hard disk connected to the Speedport w724v. BUT I can't work out how!

I don't think that I need FTP access as I want to use a normal file manager or browser.






  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 6 Jahren


    >I want to provide external access to the hard disk connected to the Speedport w724v...

    >...I want to use a normal file manager or browser.


    no way, your speedport does not support these from outside.

    what you can do: install a vpn server on your raspberry, forward the vpn ports to your raspberry

    and connect to your lan via vpn client.

    that should work.




    vor 6 Jahren

    Thank you so much for the clear explanation!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

