How can I file a complaint?
vor 6 Jahren
First of all, please excuse me for writing in English, my German is not very good yet.
Can someone please explain to me how should I write an official complaint to Deutsche Telekom Headquarters office? I am really angered by the customer service and would like to file a complaint and if it's not possible I will file my complaint to Verbraucherzentrale.
To explain why the upset, there was a good offer this weekend on taking a subscription with Telekom, but it was only online or by phone. I chose the online one, because I am not very good with German yet and you don't always find someone to talk in English. So I went online, filled in all the requested information and there was an option for verification, via Post or via Video. And here I chose via Post. All good and submited my order, received an email of order confirmation, everything went smoothly. This way happening Sunday evening.
Yesterday, on Tuesday, as I didn't receive any more emails or mail via Post, I verified the status of the order and to my surprise it was cancelled since Monday evening with reason 'Unknown'. I tried on Tuesday calling the customer service, no one spoke English and told me to come back today, on Wednesday, as there will be someone that speaks English. In the meanwhile I also tried using the chat in the website, again no English, and tried my luck again with an email, thinking that maybe someone will answer, but there was another issue there, that I had to fill in a number to be called back and my number didn't work there (I don't have yet a phone number in Germany, I finally decided to take up a number with a subscription, and it seems with bad experience..)
With no luck on Tuesday, I got back today to customer service and got on with a lady talking in English. Finally, she said that the order was cancelled because it was decided to not go with the post verification, but with the video verification and that a mail was sent to me to do this verification within 3 days, otherwise order will be cancelled. And I stopped her there. First of all, by who was decided? Second of all, the only email I had in my inbox from Telekom was the order confirmation (so the email address they had was good), and finally, the order was cancelled in just ONE day. The lady said that there is nothing they can do, and a big round of NOs in our conversation. I asked for the email to be sent once again to me and I will do the verification, the answer was NO, the system already generated the email. She then suggested that I should make another order, but I said that is not possible, because the offer in the weekend is gone and that this order was cancelled without any good reason. If there was a good reason, I would have understood, but like this and only NO and 'the system', this I cannot accept.
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vor 7 Monaten
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Anja N.
Telekom hilft Team
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Anja N.
vor 6 Jahren
thank-you for the call-back.
I am glad that we could solve your concern.
If you need my support again in the future, just get in touch with me again.
You are welcome.
Kind regards
Anja W.
Uneingeloggter Nutzer
Anja N.