Speedport Smart 3 bridge mode Google WiFi

vor 5 Jahren

Hi there.


Sorry for the English you can write back in German and I'll translate it.


This might be complicated but before telekom I was with Vodafone and I had my router in bridge mode. Reason was I have Google WiFi and I wanted to control my ports and devices through my Google WiFi system. When with Vodafone I had to change it on my account then 5 days later it was activated on my router. So this was bridge mode. As I had a double NAT otherwise. Which stopped things like my accessing my Plex outside my network and also having my server drives named and not using an IP like 192.168.2.whatever it was //server. And many other things which I don't need to go on about here. But all my devices are wired and I like to see them through and app and get analytics whilst leaving it easy for my family to connect and for me to manage time on the internet etc.


Now I have a speedport Smart 3 and right now I have my fiber glass internet into router then in Google WiFi without this bridge mode which stopped me connecting to my Plex server and so now I have the server in my router and everything else in my Google WiFi through a switch. So now I have my server connected to my router and another cable running to my Google WiFi then everything running through it but because my Google WiFi had a custom DNS and doesn't match the ISP (telekom) I have to type my IP for the server in windows plus open up ports on the router and to allow my Plex to work outside the house etc...


So how do I make the speedport router just a dumb bridge mode box to allow my Google WiFi to do everything.


Many thanks Fröhlich





  • vor 5 Jahren


    [...] So how do I make the speedport router just a dumb bridge mode box to allow my Google WiFi to do everything. [...]


    So how do I make the speedport router just a dumb bridge mode box to allow my Google WiFi to do everything.



    So how do I make the speedport router just a dumb bridge mode box to allow my Google WiFi to do everything.


    It will probably not work with your combination of devices. Deutsche Telekom delivers the PPPoE dialup-session via VLAN 7. In modem mode, the Speedport will forward the VLAN taging transparently. Hence, whatever device controls your PPPoE session (i.e. your google WIFI) must use VLAN7. Unfortunately, it appears that Google WIFI cannot do that. See here for a thread on the topic on the google support forums.


    An option to use a VLAN-incapable router on the DT network would be by using a modem capable of performing the VLAN tagging for the router. The modem would receive the untagged PPPoE frames from the router and add the VLAN7 tag on every upstream ethernet frame. At the same time, it would remove the VLAN7 tag on every ethernet frame coming from the network before it is passed on to the router. One modem capable of performing this task is the DrayTek Vigor 165.


    Straight answer to your initial question, in case you still want to try it with the Speedport: The procedure is described on page 285 of the Speedport Smart 3 user manual. Basically you do the following:


    1. Open the Speedport Web-UI (at

    2. Navigate to Einstellungen (Settings, cogwheel icon) -> DSL-Modem

    3. Click "Konfiguration Sichern". This will let you store the current router configuration to a file on your computer in case you want to go back to router mode at some point later.

    4. After the current configuration is stored, click "Speedport als DSL-Modem nutzen". The router will then reboot in modem mode.


    The manual notes that, if needed, you can still access a page with basic configuration and status information by connecting a computer directly to LAN1, LAN2 or LAN3  of the Speedport and opening the address in a web browser on the PC.



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Jahren

    Hello @b1gdan

    Did you try the instructions from @lejupp? Did it work?

    Thanks @lejupp for your great help.


    Karsten L.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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