Phone number of customer service that speaks english or spanish. Numero de servicio al clienta que hablen Ingles o Espanol.

9 years ago


I am trying to get a customer service number from your company that can speak English or Spanish. I have a problem with the account and I am not currently in Germany. I will appreciate someone give me the information. Thanks!




Estoy buscando un numero de servicioal cliente que hable en Ingles o Espanol cuando llame. Actualmente no estoy en Alemania. Agradesco su ayuda. 



  • 9 years ago

    Fixed line network: 0800 33 01080
    Mo. - Fri. 8 am to 8 pm


    From foreing countries: +49 180 233 1000

    Let connect you to the english speaking hotline there.


  • 9 years ago

    Hello @alexandra.barnes19 , that's the Hotline for englisch speaking customers 


    Sales and customer service

    Fixed line network: 0800 33 01080
    Mo. - Fri. 8 am to 8 pm

    Mobile telephony: 0800 33 02202
    Mo. - Fri. 8 am to 8 pm


    Kind regards 




    9 years ago

    Thank You so Muchfor your help!! 



    9 years ago

    @alexandra.barnes19 @dunikohler @Mister Burny


    It must be clear that from abroad you cannot reach the national toll free numbers in the format 0800... unless you have a German VoIP account other than Telekom's that you can use to set up a "national German call to 0800..."


    The numbers as provided by @dunikohler should be the ones where you reach right from the beginning English speaking people - however strange that nobody thougt of non-German people outside of Germany wanting to call and hence not giving them an international number.


    So without German VoIP account you need to either rely on the international number provided by @Mister Burny and proceed as he has proposed, to ask for an English speaking person.


    Alternatively maybe you stil have a friend in Germany that might be able and willing to connect you to one of the national toll free numbers.

    Unlogged in user



  • 9 years ago

    De nada  Zwinkernd


  • 9 years ago

    Hello @alexandra.barnes19,

    thanks for your statement. In addition to the phone numbers which were provided by our community users, I would like to know more about the original problem. Please try to describe it.

    Maybe direct access to your account isn't required, so I could give you some more advices.
    Are you fine with my offer? Let's stay in touch. Fröhlich

    Best regards
    Karim C.


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