Neue Wohnung mit WLAN Anschluss

Guten Abend

wir haben umgezogen. Das neuen Wohnung hat bereits WLAN deshalb würde ich mein WLAN Vertrag kündigen. 

@muc80337_2  schrieb:

From Telekom point of view there is no reason to go there any more.

Unless you e.g. left a rented router there.

Das wird es sein.

User hat Vertrag und Router in Wohnung A

zieht um nach Wohnung B - dort steht ein Router vom Vormieter mit "lebenden" Vertrag

Das kann doch so nicht bleiben....


Mal schauen was das Team weiß..... wobei man dort wohl nur Wohnung A finden wird.



I brought the router with me


@kentkevin014  schrieb:

I brought the router with me

Ah, god to know, this is new information.

But you did not change anythings with the contracts, correct.

There must be two:

one in yout old flat wihich you want to get rid of (good idea)

and one in the new flat where is working? Internet connection?

This has to be clarified: who's the owner?

Hi @kentkevin014


we will gladly help with this situation. It would be great if you could tell a few details beforehand. Are you the owner of the internet contract in the new flat? Are we your provider at the new place or ist the contract with a different company? To help you with the cancellation of the old contract I need to verify you as the signer of the contract via a phone call. When would you be available for a short call. Please be aware that you will need you customer account number "Kundennummer" and your bank details for the verification.


Kind regards

Sören G.

@Sören G.  schrieb:
Are we your provider at the new place or ist the contract with a different company?

Telekom. See

The owner of the internet connection in our new apartment is also the owner of the apartment. Yes it is under telekom, she said. Yes you could call me

The owner of the apartment is also the owner of the internet connection

@kentkevin014  schrieb:

 Yes you could call me

@Sören G.  ☎️

Telekom hilft Team

Hello @kentkevin014,


are you available for a call today? Or do you like us to call you on another day?


Kind regards

Malte M.


Is that a full furnished rental?

In Germany, the long-term rental of apartments with Internet contracts, especially those with integrated routers, is not common. Sometimes you can co-use the internet connection via WLAN if the owner of the apartment is living in the same house. Do you have a rental agreement without a time limit or is this more of a short-term rental. Like for a few months?

I am free today

There is no fixed duration  of occupancy



You can notify the team using the @ sign in your answers, like @Malte M. 

@Malte M. you could call me sir within this day

@kentkevin014 unfortunately couldn't reach you. We will try again tomorrow.


Kind regards

Sören G.

Hallo. Ich entschuldige mich dass Ihre Anruf habe ich leider nicht geantwortet weil ich gearbeitet habe. Können Sie mir morgen nachmittag anrufen? Danke

@kentkevin014  schrieb:
Hallo. Ich entschuldige mich dass Ihre Anruf habe ich leider nicht geantwortet weil ich gearbeitet habe. Können Sie mir morgen nachmittag anrufen? Danke

@Sören G. 

zur Info.