Change Order from Fiber to DSL

vor 3 Jahren

Hello all, recently I requested the internet service for my home, but as new building it was a really difficult process, and finally after 1 month I got my technician support, unfortunately , the service Requested was optic fiber  installation, and the building only have DSL, what should I do now? I need the internet to work and all those issues have a negative impact on my job, I am in serious need of advise and help, I dont speak german and I moved recently to the country.



  • vor 3 Jahren

    I have highlighted this thread to the official support team of Deutsche Telekom (I'm just a measly customer myself). Maybe the team can have a look at your contract information and help gettint it setup correctly.


    It would be good if you could leave a working phone number (mobile?) and your contract information (customer number etc.) here in your profile if available. The data in the profile is only visible to the official support team, not for regular members of this community.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Marcelo_Oliveira and welcome to the Community.


    I'm sorry to hear that you are facing difficulties with your new landline. 

    Please put your contact number into your profile like @lejupp wrote before so I can take a closer look at your landline and explain the possible actions to you.


    Kind regards

    Malte M.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Marcelo_Oliveira,


    please leave a contact number in your profile so that we can support you.


    Kind regards

    Matthias Bo.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

