Contract change to Business, Upgrade and more...

vor 4 Jahren


I have a few questions regarding my contract and if is possible to move/upgrade to a business contract.
Currently I have (as a Private Customer)

- Mobile Contract: Magenta L + Galaxy S20+.
- MagentaXL (175mbps) + MagentaTV + BigTV Package.

So, if I register as a freelancer, can I switch or take over my contract as Business? Reason I'm asking comes to some very specific things.
- I'm running my own server with several services for private use, but I need this to be reliable. For this I need an Static IP. I know I can configure DDNS services, but equally some apps require an Static IP so I can whitelist access and improve privacy.
- If service goes down, I need a speedy fix, not 3 or 4 days appointments.

Since for Private/Home Customers, Fixed IP isn't an option, no even as an add-on, my only solution is to move to Business contract. I'm pretty happy with the service, so moving to another Provider is out of the scope.

Now my questions:

- Can I combine both contracts, so I can enjoy MagentaEins?
- What would happen to my TV Service? I've read there's no TV service for Business Tariffs.
- Do you need some special paperwork from my side?
- Would speed be the same? I'm being charged for 250mbps but getting 175mbps.
- Do I require a new appointment to get the installation or the current one works?

If all of the above is a no, then I've got a few requirements, in order to improve the current service.
- See if a potential speed increase is possible for my address.
- Does the new MagentaTV Smart with NowTV includes the app usage? Can I upgrade to that one? I've had my contract since August last year.
- Would this increase the price of my bill?


Sorry for making this it so long but is better to clarify all questions in just one place. Fröhlich



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Leon_Panda,

    would you mind filling out your profile, so we can take a closer look at the situation as well as contacting you?

    Please give us a short heads up afterwards. 

    Kind regards Nico B.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Hello Fröhlich


    Thanks for the phone call.

    So, switching the contract requires me to provide the Freelance paperwork?

    And even so, I can switch it even though I have a running contract with Magenta Service?

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren


    you don't have to provide anything for the tariff itself.
    And yes, you can switch it even though you have a running contract.

    Kind regards Nico B.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Hi @Leon_Panda,

    yes, for the refund was booked manually, it doesn't appear as a lower bill sum.

    Outstanding on your booking account were 112,18 Euros, which have been debited last week. Those included an automatic refund for MagentaZuhause XL and post-collection for DeutschlandLAN for 31st december to 28th february.

    As mentioned above, from next month on, the invoice run will be correct again.

    Kind regards,
    Anna Si.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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