Filing formal complaint

vor 6 Jahren

I'd like to file a formal complaint.


I've waited TWO weeks now for someone to hook up my internet. I work remotely and depend on having Internet without data caps as my work involves large datasets and I'm required to be on-call (so tethering or working in a free Wi-Fi spot will not work for me).


The technician was scheduled to come today:


1) He showed up and asked for access to the basement

2) The door was already opened for him by the Hausmeister - he then shut the door, locking it

3) I had to call the Hausmeister (who lives across the street) - to unlock at. The technician said that 2 minutes was too long - and that he was going to leave.  At this point, two minutes had passed, the Hausmeister arrived and greeted the technician. The technician still decided to leave.


He told me I needed to make ANOTHER appointment. It is absolutely absurd how I was treated - and on top of that he was extremely rude. This is affecting my personal income.


Where can I file a formal complaint?



  • vor 6 Jahren

    Welcome, @hook_up_our_internet  in our customer-to-customer community.

    As the formal complaint in reality would not change your offline situation i would suggest to fill in your contact details to your profile.

    This is that Telekom community staff is able to get in contact, these details are hidden to normal community menbers like me.


    Pls. report here once you have completed your profile.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Jahren

    Hello @hook_up_our_internet

    I'm really sorry that your appointment today didn't work out as planned. Can you please fill your Profile with your details, so I can have a look at all information about this Appointment and make a new one for you. Like @wolliballa said before.

    I'll also let the supervisor know about your feedback as soon as I have all the related data.


    Karsten L.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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