Internet very slow, we have tried to disconnect wifi and use only cable, no help from telekom, or landlord who is the owner of the internet-plan.

5 years ago

For the past 5 days our internet has been very slow. we have tried disconnecting the wifi and use only the cable, no luck.

tried to disconnect all devices also, same problem

it takes atleast 15min to load a single page. telekom phone service doesnt want to help us, we have no idea why. i understand that it is a stressful time right now, but just because we speak english shouldnt be the biggest problem right now?? our landlord owns the contract of the internet, and doesnt answer. telekom never wants to talk to us, only hangs up after a couple of minutes. I have lost my job due to the pandemic, and the least thing i want to do is to pay for a service that doesnt work. Our router is: speedport w724v.

I would atleast like to know what causes the problem, and if there is something we can do about it. 

thank you, and hope to hear from someone, some point...

-Antti Simola



  • 5 years ago

    @Gelöschter Nutzermy english ist not so good, look at your avatar (the letter) :

    schau mal deine PN an, Brief oben rechts unter Deinem Avatar!

    Gruß Andi




    5 years ago

    Your Landlord owns the Contest an you pay him?

    Problem is that Hotline typically only talks to the Contest owner .

    Did you Test your Line online online although slow? What was the result?

    Can you geht us screenshots from 724s Connection Status?



    5 years ago

    where do I find the Connection status?



    5 years ago

    Log into the Routers GUI using Speedport.ip or


    Typically the menu  points are self explaining. Access is protected by the Gerätepassword, Default setting is on the SN label.

    Unlogged in user



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