Hello, we need help with recalculating the invoice! it was charged in full while we still do not have Internet!

vor 4 Jahren

Dear HilfeTeam,

Apologies for writing in English - we just moved to Berlin so German is still work in progress :(. 

In short, we signed up for a Magenta XXL online on November 11, 2020. We got connected by Telekom on November 13, 2020. 

Then, on November 26, 2020, suddenly, our connection was gone. From November 26 until December 3, we spent hours on the customer service lines trying to understand what was the problem and whether someone can help fix it! Because we spoke mostly English, we were tossed around between different employees, with only a few trying to help but with no success giving us an answer as to why we have no connection. On December 3, we had a German friend over who spent another three hours on calls and we finally found out that we were CUT from the internet "because of some suspicious/fraud activity online". We were shocked, to be honest because all we did in those 13 days was to work/being in video calls and watch Netflix and HBO. On December 3, we sent a letter to Telekom in Bonn asking to inform us why exactly are we cut out of the service. We are yet to receive an answer on that so yes - we still do NOT have internet in the house.   

In the meantime, we received an electronic invoice for 43 euros for the first month of service, due for payment today. We were surprised because 1. the amount seems incorrect - we had a discount tariff of 19.45 Euro +4.17 (gutschriften) + 6.78 euro for renting the router and 2. that we are charged for the entire month even if we only had the internet for 13 days, not because of us.  Can someone please help resolve this and recalculate the invoice? I am not successful over the phone at all!  Millions of thanks! Viel Danke! Mariana 



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hi @Mari_Rostas,


    as I can see, your profile is already filled out. Please check, if your call back number in your profile is correct.

    Link to your profile: https://telekomhilft.telekom.de/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile:telekom-custom-user-profile-userdata


    After that, please be patient and wait a bit until someone from the Telekom-Hilft-Team will call you in english.

    Please mention also a time here, when you're available for a call.


    I'm sure they can help you and clarify the situation.




    vor 4 Jahren

    @Mari_Rostas  Definitely not. Godot retired some years ago.  Problem ( or better not another problem ) , there is a tiny but powerful and willing team of specialists are supporting and backing up the customer community. As there are quite some issues which can not be fixed by experience or reading the books.... -> workload is a massive. But it is worth waiting.



    vor 4 Jahren


    just to let you know, unfortunately we can't really help you directly, but we are investigating, why everything happened the way it did.
    The special department, which is responsible for your specific case is currently not available but will be again on Monday.
    I contacted them already, but I will most certainly only get an answer on Monday.
    Will keep you updated.

    Kind regards Nico B.



    vor 4 Jahren

    Dear Nico,
    thank you for the information. unfortunately, nobody contacted us today... I wrote to you in a message also that it's been 11 days since we sent the letter by post to Bonn! I am just speechless by now Traurig so far, Telekom charged us more than 100 euro for two weeks of internet, and we paid around additional 100 euros since November 26 to cover the loss of internet in the house! We are contacting the consumer protection autority and are thinking to get a lawyer to see how to cancel the contract if by this Thursday nothing is cleared or at least explained to us what was the problem! Please understand us, we are trying to be accommodating but after 200 euros in costs and with the Holiday break and lockdown coming from this Wednesday, we need to do something. If you have any other suggestions as to what you would do in our place, please feel free to let us know! We are open to anything at this point!
    Best wishes and thank you for all your help!!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    First of all, sad story so near to the holiday season.

    The only thing we can do in this Customer-to-Customer-Community is to escalate your issues to the T-Team.

    And yes, your invoice is expected tobe correct, als montly fees are always in advance, usage fees belong to past times.

    If line is not usable you may receive a deduct in one of the next bills ( according to AGB 11 days /p.a. are tolerable....

    Be patient Fröhlich the team is busy these days.


  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hi Mariana @Mari_Rostas ,

    thank you for your post and explaining what happened so far!

    As you wrote that you'll be available from 5pm, I'll set a note for my colleagues in the late shift, so that one of them will call you then.
    I'm pretty sure we'll find a solution for you!

    Kind regards,
    Anna Si.




    vor 4 Jahren

    thank you, @Anna Si! greatly appreciate it!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    You're welcome, @Mari_Rostas!

    In case there should be no English speaking agent available in the evening: I'll be back in service tomorrow at 3pm for the late shift myself.
    Should you receive no call today, I'll take that part tomorrow, if the time fits for you?

    Kind regards,
    Anna Si.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Dear Anna,
    We would greatly appreciate speaking to someone in English and get information as to what happened exactly and how we can deblock the situation. Please feel freel to call us when you have time - from 9 am to 8 pm we are ok. If we do not get the explanation and the internet back by end of this week, we will be forced to go get some legal help as to what we do with the contract in general. We signed up on November 11, received only two weeks of internet, and no explanation - after almost three weeks of calling, writing, and trying to solve it on our side - as to why Telekom cut out internet on November 26. We paid so far about 100 euro extra on our phones for data to cover the lack of internet -both of us work from home now because offices are closed and from this Wednesday our daughter will also be homeschooled. It's been 10 days since we sent the letter by post to Bonn as registered mail. Noting back yet. We understand that people are busy but so far, Telekom has been treating us really not fair!
    Million of thanks to you and others who try helping!!!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren


    after contacting the special department today as well, I'm sorry to announce, that we can't help you in this situation.
    The only possible way for you to proceed is via post.
    I will send you the address of our special department, so you can go ahead and contact them.

    Kind regards Nico B.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Dear Nico, As I wrote - we sent that post 11 days ago... nothing back :((. so, what happens when we send the post to Bonn?
    thank you,



    vor 4 Jahren

    @Nico B.Wie Du vielleicht übersehen hast, hat @Mari_Rostas bereits per Post 'reklamiert' und ist nur hier gelandet, weil sich nach angemessener Frist niemand rückmeldet, noch nicht einmal, 'erhalten, aber wir brauchen 4 Wochen Zeit'.

    Auch mir ist es unerklärlich, warum man die Abbuchung/ Rechnungsstellung nicht pausieren kann, wenn keine Leistung geliefert wird. Immer auf Gutschriften warten, ist nicht jedermanns Sache.....
    Kopielesend: @Anna J. 




    vor 4 Jahren


    like I stated in the private message I just sent you, it is impossible for us, the Telekom hilft Team to help you in this regard.
    The special department is not legally allowed to give any information on the case to anybody except to you.
    The only way to contact them is via post. I know you tried, I also know you already tried but haven't gotten a response.
    There is no way for us to contact them in any way.

    I know this is extremely frustrating but unfortunately my hands are tied.

    Kind regards Nico B.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

