
My internet is very slow specially after 6:00 am

7 years ago

Hello all, 


so I undrestand well that that the average speed is 27mb for the subscriber of 50MB DSL internet


so my problem is as following, I'm using my laptop which is connect to LAN to my speedport router, I was downloading a big file using one of the companies downloader and I kept monitoring the download speed indicated, at 5:00am in the morning I did get the full speed and I was very happy, then at arround 6:00am the speed was greatly reduced and the download became too slow, I tried to open youtube or anything to check the connection and I found that it is slow too so it is not related to the downloaded file, and this happens all the time, at some hours I'm lucky and get my 50MB fully and at some other time I can't get even 2MB, I'm feeling very bad and I wish you can help me


please note that my neighpor in the same building is subscribed to 1&1 and his connection is much better and it never slows down 



  • Accepted Solution

    accepted by

    7 years ago

    @Inga Kristina J. @FelixKruemel @Jürgen Wo. @Bernd M. @everyone comes after


    after painful months I figured it out, 2.4 Giga frequency is evil, once I disabled it I got my speed back, the draw back I'm having now is that my wifi signal is not strong enough like the past when I had 2.4 enabled.


    Thank you guys for your help and please keep up supporting others, cheers


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