Is on-site appointment still necessary with successful lineID and internet activation?

11 months ago

Hi,  I have arrived in Germany a few months ago so I don't speak German. I have a new internet connection with Telekom, and received a text message to provide my lineID via a website to activate my connection. This was successful and I have already been using the internet since a few days ago. 


Today I received a text message to say that a technician visit is still required to provide my connection. I would like to ask if the on-site appointment is still necessary, because I need to liaise with my building management to provide access to the basement if the visit is still ongoing. But I already have connection, so is this still needed? 


I tried calling customer service to ask, but was not able to get help in English. Appreciate any help. Thanks!



  • 11 months ago

    If you got a message that its needed, yes.
    Maybe there is an issue with the connection anyway.




    11 months ago

    hi there @yunlu


    thank you very much for the pleasant conversation. As previously mentioned, there is no need for an appointment with a technician and none of our system indicated, an appointment would be due soon to establish a DSL-connection. In addition, the established connection is working just as it should, implicating there is no technical need for an appointment.  Hence, I'd advise ignoring said message 😜 

    Should you have any other matters to discuss, please reach out and we'll get in touch accordingly.


    Kind regards


    Christian H.

    Unlogged in user



Unlogged in user

