No update on GlassFasser Connection for two months

vor 9 Monaten


I had booked a fibre optic connection alomst 2 months ago and the fibre optic connection is already setup in the building for two months now (screenshot attached).



However, I have not received any update regarding connection set up from Telekom. Previously the estimated date for connection setup was 21st May (while I booked the connection) but now it keeps on increasing day by day (system now will show 2nd week of July). I visited the telekom store and they raised a ticket on my behalf but no callback from the customer service. 

The housing company which manages my building mentioned telekom technician was supposed to visit but they did not and also no reason was provided by telekom regarding the same. They tried to reach out to telekom with my booking number but telekom mentioned they cannot find any such booking number. Which is surprising to me because the telekom store was able to see it in their system. 

I have the Schnellstart Router to cover the gap for connection but it is frustrating to have limited data 60GB and the top up each and everytime the data runs out. While I was booking the glass fasser connection I was not made aware about the LTE sofort option by the store representative. It also has a drawback of 16 MBPs speedlimit and not preferable for me as I need high bandwidth. 

I work from home atleast 3 days in a week and really need the Glassfasser connection established as soon as possible!!!


Can someone from the telekom support help here? I can provide my booking details and customer number separately over chat. 



  • vor 9 Monaten

    Hi @yash2,


    I just tried to call you, but - obviously - was not successful. So... When would be a better timeframe for a call?








    vor 9 Monaten

    Awesome @yash2,


    thanks for your quick reply.


    This screenshot is very important, too.

    They received last week an e-mail to make an appointment with our technical department.

    Your landlord can also call this number or write an e-mail to them. 

    These contact information are exactly for this type of requests.


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 9 Monaten

    @Christina P. The housing company has scheduled an appointment for 06.06 for electrician visit to set up the fiber socket in my apartment. I will keep you posted regarding further updates to the progress or if I face any issues. 

    Also,  a small question from my side. Will the glasfasser router be sent by courier to me before the appointment or afterwards?




    vor 9 Monaten

    Hello @yash2


    perfect. 😊


    Yes, you will receive the router before the appointment. 


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 9 Monaten

    @Belana M. The appointment was scheduled for today with the housing company. However, now the status has been updated as per below  image



    Can you provide more details on this? 




    vor 9 Monaten

    @Christina P.  Thank you for your response. 

    I again had a chance to check with my landlord if he was contacted by telekom regarding the setup in my apartment. He mentioned that he has not heard from them after the last apointment. I will wait to see if I get an appointment booking email. Will let you  know if I get one. 

    Meanwhile, can you check internally with the team regarding the delay in setting up the connection in my apartment?

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 9 Monaten

    @Christina P. So yesterday I received an email regarding the status of my order. In the glass fiber account center I can see the following update



    My question is,  will the contract be automatically generated by Telekom and sent over email? Or do I need to do something? Also, I did not understand why the contract cancellation was required. At the end I need a connection in my apartment. 




    vor 8 Monaten


    @Timur K. Yes, I confirm this.

    Infact, it was installed on March 26 itself. It is already 3 months since the building has the connection in the basement 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten

    @Timur K. @Sven Ö. Do you have any update here? Were you able to check with the local expansion partner?


    The fiber optic connection is present in the building for 3 months now. Also, what I understand from my landlord is that all the equipment needed for successful FTTB connection is already setup in the building and all the houses. Only thing that remains from Telekom to be done is to install a distribution box to convert glassfiber signal to copper wires. For this, my landlord mentioned 2 weeks back that they did not receive any appointment from Telekom. Person on the hotline gave wague timelines.


    I wonder how much more time it will take to have this final piece setup in the basement.




    vor 8 Monaten

    Hey there!


    As promised You will have unlimited Data within the next 10 mins. Furthermore, I'll get in touch with the department for establishing the infrastructure in your apartment complex and make sure, they are made aware of the current state.


    Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please let me know right away. As soon as I receive an answer, I'll let you know! Fröhlich 


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten

    Thank you @Christian Ha. for arranging the unlimited data for 14 days. I have the email in my inbox. 

    I hope there is some positive news and I can get the Fiber connection as soon as possible 🙂




    vor 8 Monaten

    Hey there @yash2,


    Unfortunately I won't be around this evening. Yet I'll try again tomorrow! Fröhlich Would said timeframe apply for the following day as well?


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten

    @Christian Ha. Tomorrow unfortunately I am available only in the morning till 8:30am.  On Thursday, I am available after 11am anytime in the day. 




    vor 8 Monaten





    Thanks for your renewed reply. Unfortunately, my colleague @Christian Ha. is not here today, but I'll be happy to let you know the feedback we've received 🙂


    According to our colleagues in the field service, the expansion will probably not be completed until the beginning of September due to the different types of transmission. After all, this is FTTB . There are different requirements than for normal FTTH expansion, which are more extensive. 


    We can only ask for your patience at the moment and should we have any new information, we will contact you directly. 


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten

    @Timur K. Thank you for the update. I hope that I will have the fiber optic connection in my apartment by September end.


    I want to ask you if it will be possible to arrange for unlimited data voucher for 31 days next week as your colleague @Christian Ha. helped me the last time? 

    I do not need the data voucher now. Will need it only next week before my current voucher expires. 





    vor 7 Monaten

    Hey @Christian Ha. @Timur K. 

    Can you extend my unlimited data voucher now? My current voucher expires in 2 days. It will be awesome if you can give me a 31 day unlimited voucher.



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 8 Monaten

    @Christian Ha. My voucher expires in the next week. I will message you on this thread 2 days before the expiry of the voucher. 




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 7 Monaten

    @Christian Ha. @Timur K. I had one additional  question. Until  my wifi is setup, is there a way I can be switched to LTE sofort solution instead of the Schnellstart Router? I want to understand the possibility of the switch and what the process will be.

    The only issue I see with LTE sofort solution is the speed limit of 16MBits/s. Is there a possibility to increase this to 50Mbits/s? If that is possible then it is a perfect solution for me with unlimited data. 


    I will be happy if you can explain it to  me over a call. 




    vor 7 Monaten



    According to the system, the unlimited data volume should already be booked 🙂 Can you confirm this?


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

