Self-service for Internet connection with already installed fiber modem

vor einem Jahr



I'm renting an apartment in the building that is connected to the Telekom fiber network.

There is a fiber modem already installed in my apartment. The LED indicators identify that the modem is connected to the fiber network: Pon is on, Los is off. There is some kind of identifier on the modem, like A040031. I have my own router (that supports PPPOE) and I can configure it by myself.

I ordered fiber internet connection to "MagentaAt Home M" in one of the Telekom shops. 

Recently I got "Installationstermin" for February 8, which seems to be a bit longer that I'd expect things to move.


Given that I already have a working fiber connection and don't require a fiber line or socket, I'm curious to know if there's an option for me to configure the router and modem myself?


Thank you,




  • vor einem Jahr


    Given that I already have a working fiber connection and don't require a fiber line or socket, I'm curious to know if there's an option for me to configure the router and modem myself?

    Given that I already have a working fiber connection and don't require a fiber line or socket, I'm curious to know if there's an option for me to configure the router and modem myself?
    Given that I already have a working fiber connection and don't require a fiber line or socket, I'm curious to know if there's an option for me to configure the router and modem myself?

    You can do this after the installation date on 8.2.2024.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor einem Jahr

    The fiber modem will be disconnected and the fiber socket will get modified/replaced.

    The number A040031 indicates that the fiber connection is from the "old" fiber network 1.7 .
    There is no way to configure anything before the 8th of February next year.

    What kind of Router/Modem do you have right now?
    If your Router doesnt have a integrated fiber modem then you have to get yourself a new fiber modem. (Glasfaser Modem 2)


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

