Unstable connection issue

vor 7 Monaten

A few days ago, I got a DSL internet in my new apartment and ever since the first day, I have had connection issues. The router (Speedport Smart 4) just loses the internet connection. The router is connected to the phone line. Every time the router loses internet, it starts blinking orange light and I come and click that button, it then starts reconnecting and the internet comes back within a minute or so. I attached the logs.


Internet is essential for both me and my girlfriend since we have work meetings from home almost every day and because of it, we sometimes have to use our mobile internet (which is absurd). We bought the best (and most expensive) package from Telekom thinking we won't have problems but it is unbearable. I still have around 10 days to terminate the contract and I will do it if it doesn't get fixed. 



[Beitrag aus Datenschutzgründen editiert von @buenni]




  • vor 7 Monaten

    Hi Savo,


    Please call 08003301000, keyword "Störung", and report an issue there. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the agent can speak English. If not, just try again.


    You can also open the "Kundencenter" and initiate a line check there -> https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/hilfe-bei-stoerungen/leitungspruefung. Depending on the results, you can report an issue there as well.


    Good luck!





    vor 6 Monaten

    Hello @Savo Simeunovic,


    perfect, is the Internet still working?

    If you face any issue, contact us again.

    Have a nice weekend.


    Kind regards Khaled A.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

