Using existing DT DSL Modem for the new contract - English support

vor einem Jahr


Apologies for not speaking German. My roommate moved out of the apartment, and left me Deutsche Telekom Speedport Smart DSL Modem/Router, all connected as it was. The contract was on his name, but it has now expired, and I am without internet. Can I sign new contract with Deutsche Telekom for DSL internet that would be on my name, but using the existing equipment (DSL model), just with new login details? Is there a waiting period after the new contract signig or I can use internet services right after signig (or next day maybe)?

Thank You!



  • vor einem Jahr


    Can I sign new contract with Deutsche Telekom for DSL internet that would be on my name, but using the existing equipment (DSL model)

    Can I sign new contract with Deutsche Telekom for DSL internet that would be on my name, but using the existing equipment (DSL model)
    Can I sign new contract with Deutsche Telekom for DSL internet that would be on my name, but using the existing equipment (DSL model)

    That should be no problem, the original Speedport Smart still supports all DSL variants that Telekom is using.




    Is there a waiting period after the new contract signig or I can use internet services right after signig (or next day maybe)?

    Is there a waiting period after the new contract signig or I can use internet services right after signig (or next day maybe)?
    Is there a waiting period after the new contract signig or I can use internet services right after signig (or next day maybe)?

    Unfortunately not. Knowing the name and phone number of the previous contact may speed things up a little, but expect one to two weeks for a new to become active.


    And frankly, there is a chance that all available fast DSL ports could be already taken, in which case you may have to put up with only 16 Mbps or wait a long time before a fast line becomes available.




    vor einem Jahr

    Hey @Ivan.R,


    I'd be happy to assist you in setting up a new internet contract and check whether you can keep the router. 🙂 To continue, we should set up a call. Please click on and save your mobile number in your profile. Let me know when you've done that and provide me a time window (e.g., 1-3 PM) when I can reach you. 🙏


    Best regards,

    Jonas W.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

