No Internet Connection - New Contract

vor 2 Jahren

Hello Dear Community,


Apologise for English post. I have a new contract for Magenta Zuhause L and contract starting date is 12.07.2022.


I have Telekom Glasfaser dose and modem already installed on my apartment and I also have new Telekom Speedport Smart 4 router. 


Yesterday (18.07.2022), I had a technician appointment but unfortunately we could not open the door of Elektroraum on basement. We could not reach the housemaster to open the door. Then technician - he was very helpful - offer me to book a new appointment when I have the basement keys. After he went, I made the connections between dose, modem, router and everything looks working (modem PON led solid green) and  (router led solid green, internet icon is connected). Also, when I open the router settings internet looks active (as attached screenshot).

However, I could not access to internet.


I tried to schedule new technician appointment but I could not manage it from 0800 330100. Actually, I am not sure if I need new appointment or do I need just activation for connection. 


Could you please help me regarding my connection issue and any advise will be appreciated.

Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 15.37.30.png



  • Community Guide

    vor 2 Jahren

    Dear @balptimur 

    in this community primarily users help other users with questions and problems. However, since we as "externals" do not have access to customer data and do not want to have it, I have reported your question (problem) directly to the team - please be patient.


    Gruss -LERNI-


  • Telekom hilft Team

    vor 2 Jahren

    Good evening @balptimur  and welcome to our community. 


    I tried to call you but had no luck. I'll try it tomorrow at 01:30 pm again and we can check the schedule for a new appointment. Fröhlich 


    Danke @Lerni für die Meldung. Zwinkernd 


    Viele Grüße Sven Ö. 




    vor 2 Jahren

    And here again, thank you for the nice call. I'm glad, that we found a new appointment. Fröhlich


    If you have any further questions left, please let me know. 


    Have a great day and kind regards, 


    Sven Ö. 

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