
No internet connection - new contract

vor 3 Jahren


My Internet order was executed remotely on June 1st. However, I cannot connect to the Internet. The modem/router (purchased separately) is correctly connected and seems to be working properly (status is: secured, no internet). So only the Internet connection is faulty.


I would be happy to provide any info needed in order to get this sorted.


Additionally, I cannot see any of my invoices on the website due to an error message ("Daten konnten nicht geladen werden"). Can I see my monthly bill somewhere else?


Thanks for the help!



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    Hi @Neva A,


    thank you for the nice call. 


    The technician will come tomorrow between 13.00 and 17.00 to your house. I hope the problem can be fixed then. 


    If you have any more questions, please write to me here. 



    Kind regards Inga Kristina J.  


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    @Inga Kristina J. 
    Hi, just to let you know the technician came and my internet is up and running now. Thanks for the help again! 

    I still cannot see my monthly bill that you said was sent out however  (I received nothing to my email and it says I have no current bills when logging into website)


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

