I want to continue my internet contract and move it to new apartment with new tariff

3 years ago

Dear Support Team,


Recently I terminated my internet contract as I was moving to new address and Telekom was not providing the same internet connection.

Now I came to know that no provider is providing internet connection of 250MB in my new address. 

Is it possible to cancel my termination request and continue my contract with different tariff on new address? Meanwhile I already have moved to the new address.



Many thanks,




  • 3 years ago

    Hello @zubairmalick 


    Thank you for your contribution.


    If no other provider can offer 250, Telekom probably won't either. No resources. If you've checked availability online and it says 250 then you need to be careful. Only when the order is placed is a precise check made as to whether the tariff can be switched.


    When does your "old" contract end?


    Then a Teamie could help to set things in motion and change the termination as a move with a new contract if necessary. Therefore a new contract if the current one cannot be taken with you because the tariff cannot be booked at the new place of residence.

    Then a new tariff with a lower bandwidth and if the apartment is in the same area code, the phone number can also be retained.


    Many greetings






    3 years ago



    I'm sorry this is taking so long. I informed the team again




    3 years ago

    Hello @zubairmalick,

    welcome to our Community.

    Thank you for the nice phone conversation.

    I made the Contract in the new Address and as we talked, it needs some time to activate the Internet.

    I sent to you the Schnellstart Paket and you got an email for more information.

    If you need help, contact us here again.

    Greetings Khaled A.



    3 years ago

    Hello @zubairmalick


    It's great that the phone call went well. If there is anything else, please report it here.


    Many greetings


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