Moving into a new apartment

3 years ago

Hi, I am moving into a new apartment from 1st April and I checked that Telekom operates at the new address as well. Can someone please help me understand how I can move my current contract with Telekom to the new address?





  • 3 years ago


  • 3 years ago

    This can be a bit of a problem. On their website, Telekom only offers to terminate the existing contract and to start a new contract at the new location. Unfortunately, that means you would be forced to keep that new contract for at least 24 months afterwards.


    However, according to the TKG (Telekommunikationsgesetz or telecommunications act), Telekom must offer you to take the contract with you exactly as it is now, including all parameters like remaining minimum contract period, internet speed etc. Should this be impossible to fulfil, e.g. if the wire loop to the new location is too long to serve you with the speed you are currently getting, then Telekom must accept termination of contract with one month notice. See TKG /60.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">here for details (only in German language).


    Telekom does honor the regulated process, but they are not making it easy. There is no way to order an "Umzug nach TKG " (move according to the telecommunications act) online, it can only be requested in a shop or or via phone (0800/3301000). Of course it is hard to get to an English speaking agent this way.


    I'll highlight this forum thread to the support team, maybe they are able to help you with the process in English. Please have a little patience the team is quite busy and may take a day or so for the team to react.


  • 3 years ago

    Hello @Anjali,


    welcome to us in the Community.

    I'm pleased to help you.

    When do you have time? I would like to contact you.

    For moving your contract to the new adress.


    Greetings Khaled  A.






    3 years ago

    Hey @Anjali,


    thank you so much for the nice phone conversation. Fröhlich

    I moved the contract to the new address.

    We will stay in contact until the internet be active.

    If you need help, contact us here again.


    Greetings Khaled A.



    3 years ago

    @Khaled A. , thanks for your time yesterday. It seems that the previous tenant in my new apartment also used Telekom for internet. It is probably not required for the technician to visit the apartment now. Do you think if this can help speed up the process? Thanks!



    3 years ago

    Hey @Anjali Grover 


    right now the system is processing your order. If there should be any problems and the activation date is going to be postponed by any reasons, you will get a notification and we will have a look at the order again. 


    Kind regards.

    Leona W.

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