I am shifting to a new apartment next week. What should I do?

vor 4 Monaten

I tried to contact Telekom customer service through it's hotline number. Since, I don't speak German, and they are asking for few numbers which I am not understanding, I had to hung up. When I asked about this to a Telekom service station nearby, they said, since, I haven't taken the contract from them, they can't help me with anything. I don't know what to do. The person who helped me to get Telekom connection is not working for Telekom anymore.


I am moving to a new apartment next week. Due to all the reasons above, I am writing this message right now. I want my Telekom service also to be transferred to my new address. What should I do? Whom should I contact? Please help



  • vor 4 Monaten

    The best way to get support from Deutsche Telekom in English is to speak with the Telekomhilft team via this community. I'll highlight this thread to the team now.


    The team will probably call you back either tomorrow or on Monday, please have your customer ID ("Kundennummer") ready, which is on every invoice you received from DT and in your contract documents.


    To verify that you are indeed the contract owner, they may also ask for the last six digits of the IBAN from which the invoice are paid, so better have your IBAN ready too.


    In any way, I'm not very optimistic that Telekom will be able to move your line before the end of next week, better expect two weeks before the connection is moved.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Monaten

    Hi @Ribina Mundeth ,

    welcome to the Telekom hilft Community.


    The Telekom Team here can support you in English. The standard forms for moving a contract to a new address are in German only:


    Maybe you can check some things with Google translate already. 

    I will inform the Telekom team that you would like to have support in English here.


    Best wishes,

    Coole Katze





    vor 4 Monaten

    @Ribina Mundeth,


    thank you for your response. 
    I've tried to call you under the number you provided, but have been unable to reach you. Please check that the number is correct.


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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