[HELP IN ENGLISH] Moving to a New Apartment

vor 2 Jahren

Hi, I moved to a new apartment and would like to take my Magenta home package with me. My old address supported 250 mbps, but the new address only supported 175 mbps. 
Additionally, I have already moved out of my old apartment 2 weeks ago and moved into my new apartment. I am using another wifi that the landlord provides until the end of November and would like to move the Telekom contract to the new apartment as soon as possible. 
I would also have to order a new speed port as I had to return the old one (it was connected to a previous contract). How can I schedule the move of my Telekom contract to the new apartment? I really need it as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Hello @Girlies and welcome to the community.


    I'm happy to help you with your request and explain the procedure to you.

    On which time are you available for a call?


    Kind regards

    Malte M.




    vor 2 Jahren

    Hi @Malte M.,


    Thank you for the prompt response!! I am available now but also tomorrow before 12:30 or after 13:30. Thanks!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

