Internet contract getting renewed instead of continue while ordering move of connection

3 years ago


I am a Telekom DSL customer and moving apartments. My current contract expires in November 2022.

The new apartment has the same connection available as my current one; but while ordering the move online I am seeing that I am only getting the option with a new contract with min 24 months duration.

There doesn't seem to be an option that just allows me to continue with the current contract given the same conditions are achievable.

Can someone please confirm if it is even possible to order a move online without renewing the contract?





  • 3 years ago

    Hello @dineshbvm


    Welcome hier. 


    You have to apply for a move according to the TKG (Telecommunications Act).
    This is only possible by calling the hotline or in the Telekom shop.
    If the contract can be implemented 1:1, there is no new term.
    If the contract cannot be implemented 1:1, there is a special right of termination of 1 month.




  • 3 years ago

    Ordering the move online is an easy win as you do not need to speak in German.


    If you want to keep the contract with the current minimum duration then call the hotline or go to a Telekom shop - but do not count on having the possibility to talk to s.b. in English. Outcome could still be that such a move is not possible because of minor deviations that you do not see in the online tool. That however would allow you to early cancel the contract within a month's time - and you would be flexible in your decision which CSP and contract to choose for the new location.


  • 3 years ago

    Thanks for the nice short conversation @dineshbvm.

    As discussed, we will call you again tomorrow around 10 and 11am.

    I'm there for you, if you have any questions in the meantime.

    I wish you a great day.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.




    3 years ago

    Thank you @muc80337_2 for the reply.

    It is a new apartment building with two entrances (Door A & B). Apparently, the main connection is in A, which is shown online with Telekom service available. My apartment in B does not showup with service available online. The technician came to make internet connection for the residents in both A & B is aware of the Telekom installation in the building, just that the info is not shown online.

    Would it be possible to get a call from an English speaking technician to discuss this to arrange a possible moving date?




    3 years ago


    Would it be possible to get a call from an English speaking technician to discuss this to arrange a possible moving date?

    Would it be possible to get a call from an English speaking technician to discuss this to arrange a possible moving date?
    Would it be possible to get a call from an English speaking technician to discuss this to arrange a possible moving date?

    I guess: difficult.

    Please be aware that I am just an English speaking customer - no Telekom employee.

    Better wait for a Telekom Teamie to comment.


    My further guess - in case this is a brand new building - that there might be some fault in the documentation. Worst case that there was a fault during the ordering phase.


    I understood that in your "B" section there is more than one apartment - are you in B kind of the frontrunner for Telekom internet?



    3 years ago

    Thank you for the reply, @muc80337_2 

    There are already people living in B with telekom internet.

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