Internet contract problem

vor 4 Jahren


I am moving to a new flat on 1st Nov. 2020. I planned in advance to get the Telekom internet contract. I went to the Telekom partner shop in Chemnitz (I visited the Telekom partner shop because of the logo, after signing the contract, I realized that it is a partner shop of Telekom ). I signed the contract on 14th October 2020. The Telekom worker promised to me an Internet connection on 21st October 2020. When I enquired about the internet connection after a week, the Telekom worker says that the connection is not possible for your home, as they cannot find the port on their website and the port is used by others.    

On the same day, I went directly to the Telekom shop and explained the problem. The Telekom person told the same that, the port is used by others. I am waiting for the last four days for their reply.

Here, I have a question If the old house renters have taken the Telekom contract to their new home. Is this the problem that we are not getting an internet connection?

What might be other reasons for not getting the internet connection? Could you kindly answer me!


Best Regards,








  • vor 4 Jahren

    There are several potential causes why currently it is not possible for you to get a DSL contract in the new location.

    A Telekom Teamie might dive into it provided that you fill your forum profile with at least a working phone number (e.g. mobile)




    vor 4 Jahren



    The "Auftragsnummer" is also helpful.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren



    Welcome to the Communiy - the mentionned situation is not very pleasant.


    For an easy clarification, plse complete
    under Profile Settings (“Profil”) - My Settings (“Meine Einstellungen”)
    your customer no. (“Kundennummer”) and your cellular phone number (“Handynummer”)

    (unless already done).
    These data can be read only by you and the
    Telekom employees.

    So that a direct communication is much easier.

    Request for short entry as soon as your data are stored
    by means of the “answer button” (“Antworten”).

    Thank you very much.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @MadhuLakshmanMysore,

    welcome to our community. I'm sorry for my late reply.

    As I can see, it is a Fiber contract. The answer from the technical department was that the contract of the former renter of your flat is still active on the ONT (the Fiber modem). That's why your contract can't be activated.

    Now the installation is booked for November 4th. Did you get the information that the ONT is no longer occupied?

    Kind regards Inga Kristina J.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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