
I want to cancel my contract

vor 7 Jahren

I want to complain about something that happened to me.
I started my house internet contract with Telekom in 18.05.2015 and it should have ended on 18.05.2017. I sended my contract cancellation 3 months before the contract ended but i changed my address between this 2 years contract.
How it is possible that I just wanted to change my adresse and the Telekom person who changed it didn´t tell me that the contract will renovate for 1 more year ? Now I have to pay 14 months more until the contract finish again, that means almost 500 Euros wich i really need. 
It its not fair that I waited 2 years to finish the contract and now I have to pay for more than a year and i can not even use the internet because I sended already the router back (It is not that I wanted to use it again because i'm not happy with the service).
If I had known that the contract would be renewed 1 year more I would have stayed with the old address.
I please ask you to help me to help me to finish this contract. I really need the money. I hope I get a soon answer from you. 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 7 Jahren


    thank-you for the answer.

    It is not possible to quit the contract earlier or that you can pay less.

    It does not matter, if you sent the router back already because this is an independent contract.
    As a customer it is you obligation to read the new confirmation order. If it is not your mother tonuge you have to translate it. The written order is adequate.

    If you change your domicile you have to request a movent of your connection also if you want to use it at your new address.

    Greetings Anja W.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

