
I want to cancel my contract

vor 3 Jahren

I left Germany 3 months ago and requested a cancellation of my contract 6 months ago through the website. It confirmed that my contract was canceled, but I’m still getting invoices. My contract was up to 2 years which on June was supposed to be my last bill. I did not extended the contract and I haven’t use the line since April 2021.  Is there a way can con actually cancel my contract? 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    Telekom hilft Team

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    Good evening @Juan Torres,

    I'm glad that you find your way to contact us here.
    I'd like to solve your mentioned problem so far.

    Is it right that you moved from Germany back to your home country?
    In this case there are special options to cancel your contract.

    When can I reach you by phone to talk about the situation?

    Best regards

    Sarah D.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hey @Juan Torres,

    I'm glad to read from you again.

    As I already wrote we can fix the problem in this case.
    I also tried to reach you by phone but it didn't work so far.
    Without wasting morep precious time I'd like to solve this via contact form.

    For this I need one of these documents:
    - deregistration certificate from citizen registration office
    - a certificate issued by your employer
    - marching orders

    You can send this document with our contact form:

    If you're using this form, it will reach me.

    Please fill in also your legitimation details:
    - your name and address
    - your date of birth
    - your customer number
    - the last 6 numbers of your IBAN
    - the mobile number we're talking about

    Looking forward to read from you again.

    Best regards

    Sarah D.

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