I want to cancel my prepaid contract online and keep the number to new provider

vor 4 Jahren

I have a Magenta Mobil Prepaid and now I want to cancel my current prepaid plan and keep my number to a new provider. I have 13.85€ on my credits (6,82€ for the fees of Rufnummermitnahme) Could I cancel my current plan online? And what should I have to do?


Thank  you.



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Aksorn 

    have you take a look at this sites:


    Wenn Sie Ihre Mobilfunk-Nummer zu einem anderen Anbieter mitnehmen möchten, kündigen Sie bitte Ihren Prepaid-Vertrag.
    Dies können Sie telefonisch erledigen.

    Zwei Hinweise für Sie:

    • Bitte vermerken Sie auf der Kündigung, dass Sie beabsichtigen, die Rufnummer zu einem anderen Anbieter mitzunehmen.
    • Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Portierungsanfrage ein für die Exportgebühr ausreichendes Prepaid-Guthaben vorhanden ist.

    Nach Eingang Ihrer Kündigung werden wir den Prepaid-Vertrag mit einer Frist von 14 Arbeitstagen beenden. Sobald Sie Ihre Kündigungsbestätigung erhalten haben, können Sie bei Ihrem neuen Anbieter die Rufnummernmitnahme beauftragen.

    Was kostet die Rufnummernmitnahme?

    Den aktuellen Preis hierfür finden Sie in der Preisliste Zubuchoptionen Prepaid unter dem Punkt Serviceleistungen.


    for simple englisch look here:

    If you would like to take your mobile number with you to another provider, please cancel your prepaid contract.
    You can do this over the phone.
    Two pointers for you:
    Please note on the termination that you intend to take the number with you to another provider.
    Please ensure that sufficient prepaid credit is available for the export fee at the time of the porting request.
    After receipt of your cancellation, we will terminate the prepaid contract with a period of 14 working days. As soon as you have received your confirmation of cancellation, you can request your new provider to transfer your number.
    What is the cost of porting my number?
    You can find the current price for this in the price list of add-on options prepaid under the item Services.



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hallo @Aksorn ,

    here is the link to the website that explains the steps you have to take, it is in German:



    In brief, for a prepaid contract:

    - cancel your contract which (I think) can be done by phone (2202)

    - indicate during cancellation  that you want to take your number to a new provider (make sure there is enough money left for the fees)

    - within 14 days you will receive a confirmation

    - you can then contact your new provider to port the number


    I am not sure whether you could cancel online and indicate that you want to take the number to a new provider. Standard cancellation is possible online.


    If you are not successful with English on the hotline you should wait here for the Telekom Team.


    Best wishes,

    Coole Katze


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Aksorn

    @Waage1969 and @Coole Katze gave you the perfect advice. If you need any further help just give me a short text here.

    Karsten L.




    vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Karsten L. 

    I still don't understand how to cancel my current prepaid plan. Or just wait for the plan to end without paying extra credit?


    thanks a lot!

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 4 Jahren

    Hello @Aksorn,

    I would like to explain the procedure to you.
    When are you available for a call?

    Kind Regards
    Malte M.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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