wifi connection not yet started(customer care issue)
vor 8 Monaten
hi guys,
so this is in continuation of the thread\
where i posted that my dsl connection not is getting setup and how im facing problems with the customer care team and telekom technician team.
So the reason im opening a new thread is to highlight the issue of not a good english coustomer care service available in Telekom. I bought my telekom landline contract 3-4 weeks back and since then i havent had a single technician visit me, just to give you all some context, i was told a technician will visit me on 16th july, so in order to attend him i took a leave from office that day, but in the end he called me and told me that he cant come, and will reschechedule the appointment to some other date, but he never called nor anyone from telekom did. I tried to contact telekom customer care but they just spoke german and when i told them pls connect me to someone who converses in english they just cut the call on me which was a bit rude if im being honest. then i took it upon myself and opened a thread on this community hoping ill get some support(which i did). In the thread i mentioned a problem and some guys from telekom helped me and scheduled one more meeting for me for 25th JULY which is today. Its 5:45 right now and the time slot that they gave me in which the technician would contact me or call me has been over by now and uptil now noone has tried to contact me neither on mail, text or call. and yet again as you can guess i took a leave from office for the appointment which has gone to waste just like the last time. Its very frustating yet very sad that such customer service one has to go through. ive spent more than 100 euros in the these last 3 weeks on topups on my prepaid sims just because my wifi is not being setup by telekom.
I request the community to please connect me to someone who can actually help me because ive already gone to the telekom shops too and all they have to say is that you will get a call dont worry but as you know the call never comes. and when i try to call them, they just converse in german whichj unfortunately i dont know since im new in the country.
if you wanna look at my problem you could check out this thread
Thank You.
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Coole Katze
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vor 8 Monaten
I do not think that a second thread will help to speed this up or improve service. You have already replied in the original thread and you should stick to this. You had English support already and this will of course continue - no new thread needed, this just generates confusion.
I will inform the team additionally in the other thread.
Best wishes,
Coole Katze
Sven Ö.
Telekom hilft Team
Coole Katze
vor 8 Monaten
Good evening again @KUNAL SEERNANI , as above-quoted , please stay in the aboriginal-thread, to keep an overview.
I'll close this one. 🤝
Danke für die Meldung @Coole Katze .
Viele Grüße Sven