Worst experience with Telekom.

vor 2 Jahren

I have a horrible experience with the Telekom representatives who visited my apartment ( Giovanni). He offered me a smooth porting of my internet connection from O2 to Telekom. My mistake was being naive and believing the propositions from him. He filled the porting form (Unfortunately I don't understand German) with my mobile internet connection. When Telekom approached O2 for porting they were informed that they are trying to port a mobile internet connection to home internet connection.  This information was not passed on to me and I ended up having 2 home Internet connections one from O2 and one from Telekom. Every information he gave me during this visit was wrong. I am now paying 54€/month to Telekom and 24€/month to O2. I contacted Telekom customer service and they are of no help. One of the false promise during the porting was after the first 6 months (during which I pay 19,94€/month) I could change my tariff from XL to S/M. When In contacted the customer service they said it is not possible to downgrade the plan but only possible to upgrade it to a higher packet. I am so disappointed every time I contact Telekom customer service. I would never recommend anyone to take a connection with them.




Mobilnummer editiert (Marcel2605)




  • vor 2 Jahren

    @Suhaila: Welcome to the Community! To enable the telecoms team to help you, please enter your details here:



    which only the Telekom Teamies have access to.


    Regards Ulrich




    vor 2 Jahren



    Thank you for your contribution to our community 🙏


    I'm very sorry to hear that the consultation was so messy. To check the whole issue once, please deposit your data in the profile and let me know here when you are available.


    Many greetings
    Timur K.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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