Booking a return appointment for internet setup

vor 2 Jahren


A Telekom technician came to house to try and setup and internet connection but was unsuccessful due to the quality of the wires. He told me to call an electrician to get them fix and then make a new appointment by calling 0800 33 07000. Now that an electrician has come to fix the wire problem I tried calling the number to make a new appointment but the Voicemail said that they could not help and I wasn't able to understand much more than that as my German is not that good. How should I go about booking a return appointment?



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Hallo @Rafael Mendes 

    in this community primarily users help other users with questions and problems. However, since we as "externals" do not have access to customer data and do not want to have it, I have reported your question (problem) directly to the team - please be patient.

    Gruss -LERNI-




    vor 2 Jahren

    Welcome to the community @Rafael Mendes,


    I just tried to call you in order to help you with the appointment, but there seems to be a mistake in your mobilenumber.

    Please check it and tell me when you sorted out the mistake. Maybe you mixed up some numbers by accident?


    Best regards,

    Louisa G.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 2 Jahren

    Thanks for the nice conversation @Rafael Mendes.

    I'm glad that the issue could be resolved in the meantime.

    Drop me a line, if I can do something for you.

    I wish you a wonderful weekend.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Bo.


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

