Unsuccessful 2nd appointment for new address internet connection

vor 6 Monaten

Dear Telekom Team,


I had an appointment scheduled for Saturday, 14th September 2024, to connect the internet at my new address. This was a follow-up to the previous unsuccessful appointment on 29th August 2024. The first failure occurred because the technician couldn't access a certain "box" located on private property, where the owner had dogs. The reason for the second failure is unclear, as the technician either did not or refused to speak English when requested, and I have limited German language skills. 


Could you kindly contact the technician assigned to my appointment last Saturday and inform me of the reason for the failed connection?


Thank you.



  • vor 6 Monaten

    Hallo @DevR 


    in this community primarily users help other users with questions and problems. We as "externals" do not have access to customer data.


    I am therefore informing the team now, please be patient.


    Ideally, your profile should state when you can best be reached by phone.


    Greetings -LERNI-




    vor 6 Monaten



    Thank you very much for the pleasant conversation earlier 🙂


    As discussed, it was also not possible to provide the service again, as the cable junction (distribution box on the street) is located on private property and access could not be clarified at present. 


    I have now contacted the responsible dispatcher and asked them for an update and to get in touch with you. If you receive any information before then, please post here again in the thread. 


    Best regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    Hello, I recieved a call from Telekom and I was away from my phone for a minute. I am available right now for a call. 


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 6 Monaten

    I recieved a call from one of your colleagues to set an appointment. I informed her about the conversation we had and she told me to set an appointment. I have set an appointment for 28th September between 8:00- 12:00. As requested I am updating your here. 




    vor 6 Monaten



    Thank you very much 🙂

    I also received the information from my colleagues earlier 🙌🏽 Please give me some final feedback as soon as the technician was there on 28.09.24 🙏🏽


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Monaten

    Hello, I have a small query regarding technician appointment. Is the technician coming on 28th between 8 to 12 or 8 to 16? I recall that on call I was told that it's 8 to 12 but in the Magenta app it says 8 to 16. It would be great if you could clear my confusion.


    Thank you 




    vor 5 Monaten

    Good evening @DevR , it seems, that our answers overlapped last time. Besorgt 


    I had a look into the system and find the information its from 08:00 am - 12:00. Fröhlich


    Kind regards Sven 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Monaten


    Again on Saturday the technician visited and couldn't access the junction box and he said that i will be contacted by the team leader of technicians.

    Today just now I got a call from Telekom team that it was my job to talk to the owners of pricate property where the junction box is located. I am quite unhappy with how I was being blamed and asked to rectify a problem that your company has created in their greediness. I was clearly told that the junction box is on a land which was previous owned by telekom which Telekom decided to sell the land without thinking about the consequences. I will not have any of this blame shifted to me just because I speak little German and come from a foreign country. And I will not be taking any more of this "termines" until you have a solution. Frankly my time has also been wasted a lot waiting for this issue to be fix and if Telekom can't provide me connection than i would like to explore all my options and exercise suitable option(s).




    vor 5 Monaten

    I am available for a call today 

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 5 Monaten


    I am available on Friday between 9 to 16 (preferably between 9 to 12) for a call. I could be away from the phone sometimes but I will mostly be available for the day. This issue has been dragged on for a while and I would like to have it resolved as soon as possible. 


    Thank you 




    vor 5 Monaten

    Hello @DevR


    I was able to reach my colleagues. 


    The current status is that we know the address where the cable distributor is located, and it is on private property. We are currently working on a solution with the property owner regarding a possible relocation of the cable distributor or another solution.

    Once this has been clarified, you will receive a new appointment. Unfortunately, we cannot change the situation at the moment and have to work with the mobile router until a final solution has been found.


    It is important to note again that you are not responsible for knowing where the cable distributor is located or who owns the property. We will take care of that.


    Thank you for your patience. 😊


    Kind regards


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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