Technician Appointment for connection change

vor 3 Jahren



I have an ongoing internet connection problem starting from July 4.  As current step, electrician and Telekom technician visited together and then electrician changed the connection. They said to us the Telekom technician will stop by again to activate internet connection for the new one. As they communicated to each other I don’t know the latest status but I still don’t have the internet connection and I don’t think the telekom technician stopped by as no one rang the bell or called us. 
Can someone help me to create an electrician appointment? I have always asked here and someone thankfully helped me. I hope someone urgently see this for an appointment. I am working from home and it is already 2 weeks without Wi-Fi at home:/


Thank you for your help already.




  • vor 3 Jahren

    Hello @Begum Aslanturk 

    In this community, users primarily help other users with questions and problems. However, since we as "externals" do not have access to customer data and do not want to have it, I have reported your question (problem) directly to the team - please be patient.


    Gruss -LERNI-




    vor 3 Jahren

    Good evening @Begum Aslanturk,


    thank you a lot for your patience and for filling your profile with your customer data.

    I just checked the status of your reported problem and as I can see the issue was reported to a colleague of mine yesterday.

    There is a new appointment for a technician for next week. Fröhlich

    I'd be happy if you could give me a short info after the technician's visit.

    Just to make sure that your connection works properly.


    And if you should still need help after the appointment, plese let me know.


    Best regards,

    Louisa G.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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