Cancel Technician Appointment

vor 4 Monaten

Dear Sir / Madam,
I apologize for writing in English since I cannot do it in German.  Today I received a SMS indicating a technician will come to my apartment on November 12th, 2024. I accepted the appointment, but then I saw that this appointment is related to connecting landline internet. However I already have a mobile connection (Speedbox 2 modem with a simcard).

I tried to cancel the appointment but after entering postal code it showed that postal code is incorrect; and after 3 tries cancellation process got blocked. I have not ordered any landline internet connection in last few months. I would like to cancel this appointment.

Thanks in advance!




  • vor 4 Monaten

    @ali-j thank you for bringing that to our attention.


    The most likely scenario is that somebody mistakenly entered your number into the ticket.


    We can look further into this issue, but then we need to call you as we can't post personal data publicly.




Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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