
canceling magenta internet contract

vor 10 Monaten

I am moving away from Germany at the end of April 2024, I am trying to schedule the termination of my Magenta fiberglass internet contract and having some difficulties doing it. I found some articles that said I needed to have my Abmeldung first, but I couldn't do it until 1 week before I moved out. Can you help me with this issue and can I schedule the termination as well from now?

Thanks in advance



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 10 Monaten

    You can use this online form. 

    First, choose "Kündigung aus besonderen Gründen", then "Kündigung wegen Umzug ins Ausland".


    You are right that you will need to upload a document for approval, either a "Abmeldebestätigung" or a document clearly stating your work / studies in the new country. 


    According to TKG regulations, your contract will be terminated 1 month after you have left Germany.




    vor 10 Monaten



    Thank you for your contribution to our community 🙌🏽 

    You have already received the correct contact form from @ak123 🙂 Have you already been able to arrange the special termination or do you still need support? 👍🏽 

    If so, please enter your details in your profile and let me know here in the thread when I can reach you.


    Best regards
    Timur K.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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