Customer retention team in english

3 years ago

Hello all,

I cancelled my MagentaHome service and received a confirmation letter. However, I received a couple of calls (I assume it is from the customer retention team) but I was not able to pick up the calls. I am open to hearing offers to renew my contract before expiration to compare them with other options. Is there a way to talk with somebody from the customer retention team? (Only English speaking here) Fröhlich


Thanks and have a nice week.



  • 3 years ago

    Hello @felipe_p 

    Whether or when customer recovery calls is a pure gamble. You must also have agreed to be contacted in the customer center.

    In the Telekom shop you can also get an offer that often corresponds to customer recovery.

    Or call yourself:

    Festnetz: 0800 33 06707

    Mo - Fr von 8 - 21 Uhr, Sa von 8 - 20 Uhr 



  • 3 years ago

    Hello @felipe_p,


    I'm happy to help you with your request.

    On which time are you available for a call, so I can take a closer look at your landline and check the available options for it?


    Kind regards

    Malte M.




    3 years ago

    Hi @Inga Kristina J. @Sana A. @Leona W. @Malte M. 

    Can we agree on a date and time? Looks like the day/time I proposed didn't work for any of you.



    3 years ago

    Dear all @Inga Kristina J. @Sana A. @Leona W. @Malte M.  is somebody willing to help me with my issue?



    3 years ago

    Hello @felipe_p,


    oh, I'm very sorry that it didn't work.  Our program for the appointments is really not at its best.


    I'll write to the customer retention team and ask them if an English speaking colleague might call you directly. 


    Kind regards Inga Kristina J. 



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