
Glassfiber Order Status - Gebäude angeschlossen - How to move this forward?

vor 2 Jahren

I have made an order for glass fiber connection over a year ago, and finally after some effort got the WEG to move forward with connecting the building etc. However, the status of the order is now "Gebäude angeschlossen". As I understand it, the building is now connected and the next step is to get a fiber optic point installed inside the apartment prior to provisioning the connection. Is this correct?


How can I get an update on when this can feasibly be done and is there are anything I can do from my side to speed this along? 



  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 6 Monaten


    The journey took 2 years across two apartments, but it looks it that is a wrap.


    Thank you for the amazing help given throughout by the Telekom hilft team and the Telekom hilft community members through this process. This experience while frustrating, was made bearable thanks to your support, particularly in English - this was a stark contrast to all my previous experiences with Telekom, I am glad I found the forum.

    To answer my own original post, the following is what happened so the order for glass fiber was completed. This is specific to an older building that was originally lacking the required infrastructure.

    • The property manager had to respond to the Telekom's glass fiber expansion team agreeing for the building to be connected. This required me explaining to the property manager that existing "broadband over cable" infrastructure was not the same as glass fiber.
    • Prior to work being done, the WEG had to meet and approve in principle. Once this was approved, there seemed to be some missing paper work and approvals on the Telekom side.
    • After waiting a few months, a Telekom engineering came out to map out the cable plan from the cellar to all the apartments in the building.
    • Further waiting a month or so, the expansion team arrived with an appointment, but realised that the existing pipes were too small and new pipes are required. All appointments were cancelled.
    • There were some missing paperwork again between property management and Telekom again.
    • This led to a stalemate between property management and Telekom and a complete communication breakdown as far as I could tell. This was resolved when a new plan for new pipes were proposed by the property management to the WEG and that was approved months later. Then had to wait another few months until the walls were ripped open to add new empty pipes into every apartment.
    • Then another month later, we finally got appointments for installation. This succeeded.


    Throughout the process, in the background, the Telekom hilft team help nudge things along by passing messages within Telekom, communicating to me what was required so that I could nudge property management etc.


    Special shout out to @Christian Ha. @Inga Kristina J. @Belana M. @Timur K. @Sven Ö.  !! 💜 And also @UlrichZand @falk2010from the community.




    vor 6 Monaten



    Thank you very much for the detailed, positive and final feedback 😊


    I'm really pleased that we've made it this far and that the commissioning was successful 🙌🏽 Thank you also for all your patience on the subject 👍🏽

    I now wish you lots of fun with the fiber optic connection 🙂


    Best regards

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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