I would like to move my Telekom home internet.

vor 2 Jahren



I would like to move my Telekom internet from one address to another one, in another city. How can I do this?


Of course, I'm open to have a call with someone from the Telekom hilft Team, in order to provide all the relevant information.


Thank you!



  • vor 2 Jahren

    If you agree with a new contract period of 24 months then you can order this online, also a tariff change is possible in that case.


    Go to https://www.telekom.de/festnetz/tarife-und-optionen/internet-dsl?ActiveTabID=festnetzkunde-magenta-zuhause

    and aktivate this:



    If you want to have an unaltered contract in the new address (if possible at all) then you can order this via phone or in a Telekom shop.

    However there is no guarantee that you will be in touch with an English speaking person.


    POSSIBLY there will be an English speaking Teamie here in the forum that will get in touch with you - @Waage1969 has already on August 11th tried to reach out for a forum Teamie ... in case that there is enough time for you you might want to wait here for few more days for a Teamie to contact you.

    (for authentication purposes you will need to have available the last digits of your IBAN bank account number)




    vor 2 Jahren

    Hello again @hejtful,


    thank you very much for the nice call.

    As promised I will handle your move and send you all the information you need via e-mail.


    Best regards,

    Louisa G.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer

