How can I access data on the network storage on mac

vor 2 Jahren

I set up a network to use a connected USB Drive to the router, I see the USB shared on my smart TV but I can't access it from my mac OS to add files. 

for mac I go to Finder > Go > Connect to server

but I get an error when I put any username and password.

What can I do and how can I access the connected USB drive to my router?


Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 11.46.12.png

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 11.52.42.pngScreenshot 2023-04-06 at 11.52.56.png




  • vor 2 Jahren

    @Sia_m : With macOS 10.15 and Windows 10, Apple and Microsoft 2020 have removed factory support for Server Message Block Version 1, or SMBv1 for short. The reason is the lack of security of the long outdated file sharing protocol. Unfortunately, there are quite a few network devices that cannot be quickly switched to SMBv2 or SMBv3 because there is no suitable firmware update.
    Unfortunately, however, the Smart 4 can only support SMB 1. So you have to look for a tool with offer SMB 1 Support. For this try muCommander in MAC OS version.


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