No internet for 20 days

vor 9 Monaten


I have been waiting for someone to come and activate the imternet for 19 days.



Today someone finally came. He checked and said that the Telekom in the basement was not connected to the my house and went.


I immediately contacted the landlord and Hausmeister. They told me everything was fine. Then I called up Telekom again and said "Können wir sprachen English, mein Deutsch is nicht gut", someone immediately hangs up the phone, the other says wait and hangs up.


  • If you can't provide English-speaking customer service, I think you should not be selling to foreigners. 


I don't know what's wrong with my house. He said to call an electrician. My landlord and maintenance man insist that this is no problem and that it should work properly.


As one of those working from home, it is day 20 without internet. Tried to contact but customer service hang up on me. What should I do?




  • vor 9 Monaten

    Eylül Çiçek

    If you can't provide English-speaking customer service, I think you should not be selling to foreigners.

    If you can't provide English-speaking customer service, I think you should not be selling to foreigners. 
    Eylül Çiçek
    If you can't provide English-speaking customer service, I think you should not be selling to foreigners. 

    Why do you order from Telekom Deutschland GmbH with German as the contract language if you don't speak German?

    The fault lies with you and not Telekom, doesn't it?!




    vor 9 Monaten

    Hallo @CyberSW


    deine Antwort hier ist ehrlich gesagt völlig unangemessen. Du solltest es eigentlich kennen, aber hier nochmal ein Verweis auf unsere Spielregeln zum Nachlesen.




    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 9 Monaten



    I am sorry but I need to write this in English since my German is limited.


    After waiting for 3 weeks, a technician came yesterday but could not install, and I do not know why. He never noted that so the customer service also does not know why.


    Telekom customer service (after endless calls unfortunately) told me someone will call me at 6 pm today but no one called.


    Seriously? I really cannot understand.


    Also they promised me to send another technician to understand the issue tomorrow, but I have no mail regarding the issue. I cannot follow. I am not sure someone will come tomorrow.I did not get the promised call also.


    It has been over 20 days, no one calls me as promised and no one can provide me the contracted internet and I still do not know why.




    vor 9 Monaten

    @Eylül Çiçek


    Thank you for your feedback 🙏🏽


    I'm really pleased that our colleagues have already contacted you and were able to help 🙂


    Best regards



    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



  • vor 9 Monaten

    @Peter Hö. 

    Die Annahme dass ein deutsches Unternehme  fremdsprachlichen Support liefern muss ist genau so unangemessen.

    Wir geben hier unser bestest auch ausländischen Personen support zu geben, es kann aber nicht soweit gehen, dass wir uns  in

    Deutschland dafür entschuldigen Deutsch zu sprechen. 

    Fairer und offenen Austausch beginnt nicht bei den Antworten


    Sorry, aber ich konnte nicht über meinen Schatten springen


    Uneingeloggter Nutzer



Uneingeloggter Nutzer



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