
OTP messages from Sri Lankan bank suddenly stopped since last month

vor 3 Jahren

Dear Telekom


Since last week, the OTP messages for HNB Bank Sri Lanka have been stopped receiving to my personal phone number. This was working for since the beginning of this year 2021. I consulted my Sri Lankan bank, and they checked the electronic setup, and all were OK for them. Can you please check why?

Thank you.





  • Akzeptierte Lösung

    akzeptiert von

    vor 3 Jahren

    Hey Manulak @manulakdissanayake,

    thanks for your quick response.
    Ok, by your information we can erase two of the mentioned problems so far.
    Can you please fill in all your details in your profile here:
    With this information I can check if there are any barriers in your contract.

    Nevertheless please try this also:
    Activate the flight mode in your iPhone.
    Then please restart your smartphone and wait until it's completely started.
    The deactivate the flight morde in your iPhone again and wait up to 10 minutes.
    Please try to get another OTP message by your bank.
    Do you get it now?

    Best regards

    Sarah D.




    vor 3 Jahren

    Hi @manulakdissanayake,

    I'm happy to read this and it's now working.
    If there are further questions in future, I'm happy to read from you again.

    Best regards

    Sarah D.

    Uneingeloggter Nutzer

